Lichen - Aspicilia contorta
Family - Megasporaceae
Also known as - "chewing–gum" lichen

Lichen - Aspicilia contorta, click for a larger image
Photo ©2010 Fay Newbury
University of Reading
Click photo for a larger image

Many thanks to Fay Newbury at Reading University for the identification of this Lichen species – Aspercilia contorta.

A grey–white crustose lichen that grows on calcareous rock, pavements, concrete and similar surfaces forming circular colonies.  It is has deep cracks which divide the thallus into little islands.  Where snails have eaten away the top surface each island has a black fruit showing in the centre.  Thallus 1–5cm (0.4–2.0in) in diameter though sometimes irregular, flat to convex.

Basic species description for Lichens, other Lichen species in Brickfields Park.

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