Common Feather moss - Kindbergia praelonga, click for a larger image, photo licensed for reuse CCASA3.0
Photo ©2006 Michael Becker
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Common Feather moss - Kindbergia praelonga, click for a larger image, photo licensed for reuse CCASA2.5
Photo ©2005 James K. Lindsey

Moss - Kindbergia praelonga
Syn. – Eurhynchium praelongum
Family - Brachytheciaceae
Also known as - Common Feather moss

Many thanks to Fay Newbury at Reading University for the identification of this moss species – Kindbergia praelonga.

A very common and widespread moss in lowland Britain found on banks, in turf, on the ground in woodland, on logs and trunks and branches of trees and sheltered places, it is also to be found in many lawns.  May also be found in companion with Rush and amongst Purple Moor–grass – Molinia.

Regularly branched somewhat triangular pinnate shoots 1–3cm (0.4–1.2in) long.  Stem leaves are triangular and heart–shaped with a fine elongated tip which often turns outwards, whilst the branch leaves are egg–shaped, with a shorter tip and are finely toothed, both leaves are finely toothed and have a single nerve.  Capsules around 2mm (0.8in) long.

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